terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2017

Zarathustra did not spoke like this ...

[...] Stop listening to everyone else. [...] The world is waiting to hear what you have to say. [...] ??!! So, logically, the "world" is not listening to the advice... just "me", right? And then, for sure, God is not dead... because He is who is talking to "me" here, right? He tells me: "Listen to Me" and forget what everyone else says... Now, admitting we all do the same, how the "world" of the "prophecy" would be like? Remember what "prophecy" says: out there is a "world" waiting for "what you have to say". A "world" where people are no more listening to everyone else. Now if you say something, who's really the listener? God is the answer; He or someone in His place. The "world" therefore is like a huge spherical onion, at the center of which God is positioned, listening to you and giving you "good" advice, you who are in one of the layers of the onion, doing your job for "Him". Such "world" can only be a totalitarian one, just as Hannah Arendt once described itNot a world of supermen but the world of a "superman", a global juridical creature, or a global leviathan, that sets out the rules and the pace of all things. You are a nothing at the service of everything and, in practice, nobody is listening to you. And that's still a "world" ruled by morals, since "He", the monstrous creature, always gives you "good" advice. This is not the world envisaged by Zarathustra, nor by Socrates, but the "convenient" interpretation of Nietzsche and Plato, the one that imposes to humans a global slavery state and agenda. So this is my advice: be aware of such ridiculous (and though, dangerous) advices telling you, in this case, how to transform your life in less than a year. For that you must always ask yourself for the identity of the "advisor" - who is "he" the so much interested in the transformation of my life, where "he" lives and how he or she lives, who pays him or her for telling me things like this, etc.  And meanwhile of after that, try to give him or her your enlightened advice, or try to share with him or her your experience of life or your particular concerns with life.  You'll probably see that there is a "nothing" out there, a "nothing" that wants you like him or her...

Valdemar J. Rodrigues
Sintra, August 29th, 2017