segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2020


... beauty will reach you ... don't despair ... and stay away from where you are now ... go outside ... and stay there... openly and hopefully...

Image source: Print screen from here

Quem diz de amor fazer que os actos não são


que sabe ou sonha de beleza? Quem

sente que suja ou é sujado por fazê-los

que goza de si mesmo e com alguém?

Só não é belo o que se não deseja

ou que ao nosso desejo mal responde.

E suja ou é sujado que não seja

feito do ardor que se não nega ou esconde.

Que gestos há mais belos que os do sexo?

Que corpo belo é menos belo em movimento?

E que mover-se um corpo no de um outro o


não é dos corpos o mais puro intento?

Olhos se fechem não para não ver

mas para o corpo ver o que eles não,

e no silêncio se ouça o só ranger

da carne que é da carne a só razão.

Jorge de Sena, Arte de Amar, 1971

A Woman Waits for Me

A woman waits for me, she contains all, nothing is lacking,
Yet all were lacking if sex were lacking, or if the moisture of the
right man were lacking.

Sex contains all, bodies, souls,

Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,
Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the seminal
All hopes, benefactions, bestowals, all the passions, loves, beauties,
delights of the earth,
All the governments, judges, gods, follow’d persons of the earth,
These are contain’d in sex as parts of itself and justifications of
Without shame the man I like knows and avows the deliciousness
of his sex,

Without shame the woman I like knows and avows hers.

Now I will dismiss myself from impassive women,
I will go stay with her who waits for me, and with those women
that are warm-blooded and sufficient for me,
I see that they understand me and do not deny me,
I see that they are worthy of me, I will be the robust husband
of those women.
They are not one jot less than I am,
They are tann’d in the face by shining suns and blowing winds,
Their flesh has the old divine suppleness and strength,
They know how to swim, row, ride, wrestle, shoot, run, strike,
retreat, advance, resist, defend themselves,
They are ultimate in their own right—they are calm, clear, well-
possess’d of themselves.

Walt Whitman, Children of Adam, 1867

Miracles of the economic faith XII - The percentual statistics

The miracle of percentage statistics goes far beyond the popular idea of eating half chicken on average, when in fact your neighbor eats the whole chicken and you, at most, smell the roast. Imagine, for instance, that the quarterly employment rate falls 20%, but your government, trying to keep you calm and hopeful, assures you that in the next quarter the employment will grow 25%. The miracle rests in the incidence of the percentage: if there were one million employed this quarter and 20% got unemployed, then only 800,000 employees remained; in the next quarter employment will rise 25% (as government "magicians" promise), plus 200 000 employees therefore (the incidence of percentage is now 800 000 thousand and not one million!), which means that there will be one million employed in the next semester - employment will remain exactly the same, but the miracle is that it seems not!

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Inconvenient questions XXII - The question about the bad guys...

If it is so scandalous that there are some hundreds of rich families who possess more than half of the world's wealth, why it is not equally scandalous that there are so many millions of people willing to work for them, that is, willing to enrich them even more?

Conselhos de amigo - I

Imprime mas é em papel a merda toda que andas guardando na cloud, em blogues, instagrames, faicebuques, e-mails, etc., pelo menos aquela que achares mais importante, isto antes que chegue a "inevitável" e-tempestade... por culpa do Sol naturalmente... e também por tua, como sempre, meu herói desde que nasceste, meu filho de peixe anti-racista, meu  fernão mendes pinto de... meu hackerzinho de... meu grande safadote...just like me... or better: just as I used to be...  until the day I realized the clown I used to be... it's true: life for those who sistematically commit the crime of thinking using their own head becomes most offen a disgrace... that life is not for all...maybe it's the life God's concedes only to the stronger... who knows... at least it's nicer to think maybe...

Inconvenient questions XXI - The inflation-deflaction secret

Giving money to people without asking them to produce anything in return is what besides both devaluing money and production? 

And what to expect from policies that secretely promote economic de-growth? Something more than deflation? 

Be aware my friend - historically, the things were always very different from what they appeared to be... Fake-news, disinformation and propaganda, altogether, are not guns of populists: actually, they're the guns of historical leadership!

PS: Any stupid, after undertaking appropriate schooling, should know this. But the problem is probably the deficit of stupid people, coupled with the extraordinary superavit of smart guys...

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2020

Há uma abundância incrível, decerto inaudita...

 ... de matéria escatológica... aqui por exemplo há muita... aproveitai "poetes", "arquitetes", "advogades", "engenheires", "sociologues", "filósofes" ....

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2020

Diary of my digital life - XX: Fatal error 889#GH55

The ongggg.... theee... longghh-hh565...The long-lasting propaganda campaign (it was already ongoing when Alan Turing published his first thoughts on AI) about robots, humans, and artificial intelligence. serves in particular the historical purpose of hiding the great majority of humans who have lived as robots for so many time; humans whose intelligence, operating in them as the intelligent algorithm of the Chief or of the Grand Programmer, is therefore artificial, that is, unnatural... unn3456axko 82458+ass g lk ...

Image source: here

Diary of my digital life - XIX

Today I discovered that my AI already allows me to write original and creative opinion articles ... based on the analysis of the big data of the opinion of articles published in mainstream press... What a tremendous progress! 

Signed: GPT-3

It's a matter of time... not of kind of socialism...

Pink Floyd, The Wall
Fonte da imagem: aqui

E, para memória futura, fica abaixo o vídeo dos Pink Floyd, feito há mais de 40 anos, onde aparece a cena acima. Ainda está, por razões que a razão comum inquietam, disponível no YouTube, ele que hoje, na Era do Politicamente "Correto" (EPC, também conhecida por Era Pós-Cóvide), seria impossível de divulgar nos media de massas, tal como foi nos idos de 1980... Sob pena de ser julgado um vídeo de apelo ao ódio, à violência, racista, etc.

PS: Para memória futura se acaso a memória não se apagar subitamente entretanto, sob o signo da Nova Ordem Jurídica Anti-Fake-New Não Oficial, instituidora do registo nacional obrigatório dos bloggers e do pagamento das inevitáveis taxas... Ao que se juntará o pagamento à Google pelo serviço de liberdade de expressão prestado... Google que provavelmente terá pago a quem tratou de legislar sobre tão aguda e pertinaz matéria de "fato" ivridico...