A relação entre cultura e sustentabilidade há algum tempo que me vem atraindo as atenções, e motivado a realizar algum trabalho científico. Foi o que fiz com o caso da comunidade Bijagó do homónimo arquipélago da Guiné-Bissau. Um artigo que será apresentado em Setembro de 2010, na Finlândia, no Fórum sobre "Global Responsibility in Research and Education", a decorrer na Universidade da Finlândia Oriental, no campus de Kuopio. Alguns dados interessantes da muita informação recolhida sobre os povos dessas ilhas maravilhosas que Portugal insiste em ignorar e que desafio todos um dia a descobrirem. Fica aqui o abstract do artigo:
Keywords: animism, Bijagós culture, nature conservation, sustainability, sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry.
Why were Bijagós – the indigenous peoples of some inhabited islands of Bijagós Archipelago, in the coast of Guinea-Bissau, a region classified by UNESCO as biosphere reserve due to its ecological importance and nearly pristine status of conservation – capable to maintain over centuries a sustainable relation with nature and fragile ecosystems? Why its population didn't grew up extraordinarily during periods of peace in such exuberant and isolated environments? Why their commons have recurrently escaped from “tragedy”? Answers to these questions can be found in cultural factors, including local animist traditions and regimes of property. Bijagó culture challenges the prevailing materialistic conceptions of sustainability, since most instruments currently used to “measure” it are based on the assumption that man and nature are essentially in conflict. For Bidyogo this is simply not a valid assumption. Their culture cannot be conceived as exterior (or anterior) to the so-called "natural" world.
Rodrigues, V.J. (2010) - Sustainability and culture: the case of Bijagós animist communities of Guinea-Bissau. Forum on Global Responsibility in Research and Education - Practices in Partnerships and Daily Activities, September 15-17, 2010, University of Eastern Finland, Savonia, Finland.